Friday, March 18, 2011

Been A While

Hi, everyone. I've been a busy, busy man the past months. I wanted to give everyone an update of what has been going on since I last posted (a millennium ago).

The Nehemiah Foundation is about to release two more albums of music (by San Francisco's Warbler and Dayton, Tennessee's Brock's Folly), and we are finishing up tracking on a third (a project by Phil Hodges and me entitled Songs for Friends). I have completed my book on a biblical foundation for aesthetics, called According to His Excellent Greatness, and that should be out before the end of the year. We got 501(c)3 status a few months ago... which was a whole lot of hoop-jumping, but should help us raise money. We have our first full-time employee, Phil Hodges, who signs on next Monday as our "Music Director." And... we should have a fully updated and updateable professional website by May. Very exciting times for us. When we finish up all of these projects, I plan to go on a local tour of churches to let them know what we are doing and try to raise some financial support.

I have some very ambitious plans for the future. I plan to expand my studio from a project studio to a professional one, and I think I will need between $50-100k to do it. This is a large chunk of money, and I don't yet know how I'm going to raise it, but I trust the Lord to provide what we need when we need it as He has done in the past. His providences to our small organization have been timely, and he has allowed us to grow slowly but steadily.

I am thankful for this slow growth, because I really have little idea how to run an organization. I am a worker bee. Give me something to do and I'll do it, but navigating the management of a non-profit foundation? A bit of a task for me. If God had landed me with instant and huge success, I would have floundered for sure. Just like He has done in my life, He gives me as much more than I can handle as will grow me without choking my extremely limited capacities. What a patient and perfect Father!

I will be posting again in a week or two, as I guest-hosted a web show on "Why Christians Should Watch Secular Movies." When the show is posted, I will post my script and a link. Until then, thank you for your patience and support.


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